Ready. Set. Journey...
OUR HISTORY is core:

To make it simple and short...we're a couple of hard working Americans that love enjoying the OUTDOORS with our FAMILY and FRIENDS. Between the two of us, we've got enough kids to field every position on the baseball field, with enough left over for a bench player! We've got a combined 42 years of experience being married...raising kids. All that being said, we appreciate the value of a hard earned dollar!
Whether it was camping, boating, weekend bbq's, hunting, fishing or just hanging out with the family in the backyard...we were a bit fed up with the cost of super coolers offered in the market. With a work history in manufacturing and procurement, we figured we just might be able to do something about that. In 2018, we combined our work history and resources and set out to build a best-in-class cooler that didn't break the bank. We are proud to say we have done exactly that. We hope those extra dollars saved will allow more family and friends to get out and enjoy the Journey!
OUR PROMISE is simple:
To consistently deliver to each and everyone of our Blue family
OUR COMMITMENT is genuine:
Whether you are an outdoorsman, weekend warrior, tailgater or just like cold beer, we know you will love our products and we hope you give us a try. If you are not 100% satisfied just call us and we'll get ya taken care of, no questions asked!
At the end of the day, we want to hold our heads high knowing that we provided top of the line quality at a price that will, in some small way, help you and your family get out and enjoy the Journey!
As a son of a former city Police Officer, Highway Patrolman and Police Chief...we carry a sense of duty and respect for our nations FIRST RESPONDERS. Our backing of the BLUE and all FIRST RESPONDERS will be consistent and meaningful. We feel it a civic and patriotic's our FIRST RESPONDERS that give us the freedom and comfort to get out and enjoy the Journey!