Mr. Gunsngear 10+ days of ice.

Check out how Mr. gunsngear puts our 55 Quart wheeled cooler to the test with 10 days of 80-90 degree weather. The 55 Quart Ice Vault with Wheels is fast becoming our most popular cooler. It is the perfect solution for serious outdoor adventuring when you need to transport your cooler from point A to B while keeping loaded up. 

Cooler: 55 Quart Ice Vault Cooler W/Wheels - White

Location: South Carolina

Ice Duration: 11 days 

Temperature: 90 Degrees

Country Mash 55 Quart Test + Review

Country Mash lands on exactly 10 days of ice while keeping the cooler in direct sunlight for the duration of the test! This large cooler is the ultimate option for serious outdoor adventuring. Simply, put this cooler can handle it all! Whether you are an avid outdoorsman, weekend warrior, tailgater or just like cold beer and soda, we know you will love it.

Cooler: 55 Quart Ice Vault Cooler - White

Location: Alabama

Ice Duration: 10 days

Temperature: 85 Degrees

Want to learn how to get 10+ days of ice in your cooler? Check out our ice retention steps and pro tips.